batley picture show

‘The show was stunning, something that people will remember for a long time.’ Rebecca Legg, Creative Scene Commissioner

Projections, pyrotechnics, poetry and dramatic live action weave and collide to tell the story of a town as it grows and transforms over one hundred years.

Created around home movie footage contributed by local community members and archives, The Batley Picture Show journeyed through the childhood experiences, social scenes, sports, industry, architecture and future dreams of the town and its diverse people.

Memories of Brass Bands, the Batley Variety Club and local legends were celebrated alongside the living traditions of sports, Gujarati poetry and social life to build up a symphonic impression of the town and its inspirational characters in all their unique idiosyncrasy.

The Batley Picture Show was commissioned by Creative Scene for the Batley Festival. The show featured 120 participants live and on-screen.

Periplum’s Picture Show is available for local commissioning to tell the story of a location and its people through film and mass participation.


‘A stunning show by international outdoor events company, Periplum. The night’s sky was illuminated with bright pink mist as a dazzling aerial performance combining film, music, live theatre, and pyrotechnics told the story of Batley’s manufacturing, sporting and cultural heritage over the last 100 years. The highlight of Batley festival.’
Huddersfield Daily Examiner


Rebecca Legg, Creative Scene (Commissioner):
‘The show was stunning, something that people will remember for a long time, and something that I think was really important at the current point in Batley's history. People left feeling proud to be from this place, finding connections with other people in the audience, and continuing a dialogue of memories well after the show was finished. You handled the material, which was so personal to many people, very sensitively. Taking the care (and time!) to digitise some of these films is such a nice way of thanking the people for giving a piece of their lives to us. You have also made a real impact on the participants who were in the show. You gave them a unique experience that really placed them as part of the company. It was a real pleasure working with you over the last few months and I’m so proud.’

Adele Poppleton (Head of Creative Communities, Kirklees Council):
‘Tonight I watched the most beautiful piece of outdoor theatre I've ever seen. It told the story of the history of Batley through archive and contemporary film, music, fireworks and images created by local actors. It ended with the line "more in common than that which divides us" - at which point I burst into tears.’

Wendy Storey (film contributor):
‘From start to finish I was totally captivated. It told the history of Batley in a way I have never seen before and covered so very much right up to the present day. It was stunningly beautiful, poignant and emotional and got everyone thinking. The narration was superb. The film was just right and covered our community perfectly. Huge congratulations for doing this for Batley, my birthplace of which I am so proud.’